Instruments of Peace: A St. Francis Pilgrimage with Southminster Presbyterian Church of Birmingham, AL

JUNE 8-20, 2025


Francis of Assisi is remembered as a peacemaker for his love of the whole creation, his ministry of service, and work for church reform. This pilgrimage will explore these themes of St. Francis’ life and ministry, along with his counterpart St. Clare, and consider how we experience inward peace and build a more peaceable world. Begin by understanding the medieval world of Francis and Clare with a visit to Florence where you’ll learn about the medieval history of the city and take in its fantastic collection of European art. We continue to Assisi where we’ll stay for the duration of the pilgrimage. Here we focus on St. Francis and Clare by visiting sites connected to their ministries and taking in the natural bounty of the Umbrian countryside. Those wishing to extend their trip have the option of spending additional time in Rome before returning to the United States.


Trip price includes round-trip airfare from Birmingham or Atlanta, accommodations, ground transportation, entry fees, local guides, meals, gratuities, pre-trip educational resources, and accompaniment by an ordained spiritual guide.

There are two options for registration:

Main Pilgrimage to Florence and Assisi: $5,670 per person, (double occupancy) Single supplement for Florence and Assisi $920

With Rome Extension: $7,575 per person, (double occupancy) Single supplement of $1470

A $500 deposit is due at booking.

A payment of $1000 is due January 8, 2025

Final payments are due on April 1, 2025